by LuiSharon
這一小篇 (一邊寫不知不覺已變長文😅)純粹是個人看法及分享 - 突然好想寫幾句話鼓勵正在努力的病友💪🏼 當努力的跟家人面對疾病時, 病人, 照顧者以及家人的心理質素及發放的能量真的好重要, 跟藥物一樣重要. 我並不鼓勵放棄任何藥物治療, 因為要調整身心真的需要時間, 在身心還未改變及康復過來...
接地 Grounding
by Sharon Lui
What is grounding? Do you need it and why is it important?Grounding is about connection to the earth. It is about bringing awareness to our physica...
生命之樹 Tree of Life
by LuiSharon
Tree of Life is a symbol representing new born, birth and rebirth - tree loses their leaves and seems to be dead in winter, but their new buds appe...
能量金字塔 Orgonite
by LuiSharon
What is Orgonite? Orgonite is a substance made of resin, metals and quartz. This combination forms an energy called orgone, or etheric energy, whi...
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