接地 Grounding

What is grounding? Do you need it and why is it important?

Grounding is about connection to the earth. It is about bringing awareness to our physical body, to be present in the moment, put focus on our physical body and stay focus to experience our life in this dimension.

We can be easily ungrounded in life - we can be distracted by environment and surroundings, can be influenced by people, media, advertisements; maybe we are too dreamy about ideal life, maybe we work too hard on creativity and ideas; it could be our daily work causing us too much worries too much thinking; for those endeavoring working on spiritual path may be over activating higher chakras… various aspects may weaken our lower chakras leading us to an ungrounded state..

Below may be signals indicating we are ungrounded - it is important to notice if any signals our body emit reminding us “to ground” for energy balancing. When these signals appear it’s time for us to connect / re-connect with our lovely mother earth:

- cannot focus or concentrate on daily life
- too much daydreaming
- tired, dizzy in day time
- too much ideas but difficult to put it into actions
- feel unsecure
- feel unstable

Below are ways i find it great “to ground”:

- be in nature
- walking barefoot
- tree hugging
- lying on grass
- burning palo santo
- wear any root chakra’s crystals

There’s a lot of advantages, physical needs, to stay grounded so encourage everyone to get closer to the nature and stay connected with our lovely mother earth Gaia ❤️

什麼是接地? 你需要嗎?

在身心靈的道路上常聽到接地 grounding 這個名稱, 可解釋為連結大地 - 就是去感知自己身體實在的存在於地球, 並在這一世這個維度好好體驗.

因為種種原因, 我們會過分使用頭腦及靈性思維, 而導致我們過於虛浮, 虛妄, 空想, 不設實際. 可以是因為環境的影響, 可以是周遭人事物, 媒體, 大眾價值觀影響, 可以是我們太沉醉於理想生活或夢幻世界之中, 可以是太著重於創作太多意念, 可能是太多憂慮以致於想得太多, 也可以是太著重於靈性工作以致過於啟動上三輪的能量而令下三輪能量失衡… 種種原因令我們思維太多, 行動太少, ‘太漂’而沒有好好的扎根於大地.

以下的小信息可能是身體發出的小警號提醒我們離地球, 我們的根源, 太遠了:

- 日常生活經常不能集中
- 愛發白日夢
- 時常感疲倦, 頭重重的
- 太多意念卻無法落實
- 感不安全
- 欠缺穩定性

有以上情況就要好好的跟大地媽媽連結了, 以下是我感有效的方法以供參考:

- 跟大自然相處
- 赤腳走走
- 擁抱樹木
- 安躺草地
- 燃燒聖木鼠尾草
- 配戴對應底輪的水晶

大自然是最佳的能量供應處, 這裡說的接地便是其中一個好好例子, 鼓勵大家有空多跟大自然接觸, 好好的回到大地媽媽的懷抱當中, 接受她的愛護滋養 🌱🌳🪵🪨