Findhorn Flower Essence, Sacred Room Mist from Scotland - this is a series of aromatherapeutic, and elemental mist infuses the atmosphere with its sacred and therapeutic properties.
Sacred Light Room Mist 50/100ml
- uplifting spiritual vibrations
- bringing in aspiration and motivation in life
- promoting a sense of spiritual ascension
- stronger spiritual connection, deeper consciousness and connection
this room mist is made with Blue Lotus essential oils plus Lotus Lily flower essence. Energy is kept with ~12% of Organic Cognac. * Highly recommend to use prior to meditation and other mindful practices like yoga and healing session.
來自蘇格蘭芬活的神聖空間噴霧系列 - 這是一款結合精油及花精能量的噴霧, 以多種能量配合而成, 用以調整空間能量及個人氣場.
芬活神聖光芒空間噴霧 50/100ml
- 提升能量及靈性震頻頻率
- 帶來積極,願景與抱負
- 靈性提升與覺醒
- 帶動更深層的意識連結
此空間噴霧以藍睡蓮精油, 加入荷花花精製作而成. 能量以大約12% 的烈酒保存.
需要時, 在空間的四個角落噴灑以調整空間及個人能量. 特別適合冥想以及其他正念練習如瑜珈及療癒時用.