Findhorn Flower Essence Spray, a blessed energy drink, from Scotland - this is a combination essence containing vibratory signature of one or more flowers elements, designed to support commonly shared life issues.
Calm Me Down Flower Essence Spray 25ml
- transform emotional turmoil
- foster calmness of mind and body
- self-mastery of negative emotions, enable clear thinking
- integrate mental and emotional bodies, improve attention, and allow energies flow in right direction
this oral spray is made with infused energy including Bell Heather, Daisy, Lady’s Mantle, Laurel, Monkey Flower, Wild Pansy and Willowherb. Energy is kept with ~12% of organic brandy.
來自蘇格蘭芬活的複方花精噴霧系列 - 這是一款複方口服花精噴霧, 以多種花能量配合而成, 用以對應特定的能量狀態, 及處理一般常見問題.
芬活安穩情緒花精噴霧 25ml
- 轉化情緒不安與焦慮
- 促進身心安穩平靜
- 自我調節與控制負面情緒, 清晰條理思緒
- 精神體與情緒合一, 提升專注力, 身心合一令能量流動至正確方向
此口服噴霧以石楠, 雛菊, 斗篷草, 月桂, 猴花, 三色堇以及柳蘭製作而成. 花的能量以大約12% 的烈酒保存.