花藥 Flower Remedies

There is a connection between mind and body - our physical body reacts the way we feel and we think. With this it is not difficult to understand our physical body and health can be easily influenced and impacted by our thoughts and emotions.

Stress is one of the example. When we are under stress, body releases stress hormones to boost our energy to tackle the situation however, our body may not be able to handle it if it reaches above our acceptable level, at a time we emotionally burn out, negative effect comes as a signal like headache, stomachache or sleeplessness. More serious our physical body gets damaged if continuously gets overloaded.

Instead of fixing symptoms only when it shows and appears, we should be more cautious about our emotion as a precaution. This is the concept of flower remedies and what i like about it.

The Bach Flower Remedies is a natural remedies, extract from selected flowers based on its unique characteristic, has its gentle power to rebalance our thoughts and emotions before it gets to the point that our mental and physical health got damaged.

The good thing is it’s mild, gentle, without any side effect, that can be used anytime when needed.

There’s some generic ones out there for common issue like for emergency rescue, for sleeplessness etc. For specific u can start with understanding the characteristic and usage of the 38 types, or u can find specialist to do it for u.

Nature heals and wish everyone stay mentally and physically healthy 🌸

身體健康與情緒有著莫大的關連, 人的身體狀況往往反映著當時人的情緒健康, 想法, 感覺等.

面對壓力就是一個好好的例子. 當我們急於要完成一件事, 又或需要動力去處理大量工作時時, 身體就會產生壓力荷爾蒙令我們亢奮, 產生動力去把任務完成. 但當身體長期受壓至未能承受的狀態, 就會出現過勞, 疲憊, 嚴重者頭痛, 胃痛, 失眠等. 身體機能因此而受損.

在到達身體狀態受影響之前, 我們應該好好關顧情緒健康, 以預防出現疾病等健康問題. 這就是貝曲花藥的理念, 從情緒作切入點, 在身體出現問題前, 令自己得以覺察, 好好去舒解種種情緒問題.

花藥, 是一種天然, 溫和而有效的情緒治療方法. 它以花的特性能量去令我們覺察, 繼而處理相關的情緒問題. 在沒有藥物影響副作用下, 調和我們的思想及情緒至一個平衡的狀態.

好處是性質溫和, 可在身體出現問題前使用.

市面有已調配好的複方可以選購, 而針對個別問題的話就先要了解38種花藥的特性, 或可找有相關知識的人協助調配.

大自然充滿療癒力量, 願每一位時刻保持著身心靈健康快樂 🌸